Example 5.3 For the part shown, sketch a two point perspective pictorial. 1. Imagine the object in its desired orientation, and draw a set of 3-dimensional axes. 2. Determine the location of the vanishing points. This will be necessary on two of the three axes. The closer the vanishing points are to the origin, the more distortion, or perspective, will result. A large amount of perspective creates the illusion that a feature is far away from the viewer. 3. Draw the foundation. Keep in mind that lines which are parallel to the axes containing the vanishing points will no longer be parallel. They will instead converge to the vanishing point. 4. The part is framed, using the foundation lines as guides. Remember that all lines that are parallel to an axis will converge at its vanishing point. 5. Interior details are added. Note that circles become distorted ellipses in all planes.[ 6. Remove any unnecessary construction lines. step0 step1 step2 step3 step4 step5 backward forward pause audioOn paused thisWav playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn mmstatus clip ; = "playing" mmPause c = "paused" mmPlay } notify repeat audioon thiswav audioerror buttonclick buttonclick 4thiswav, audioon, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmvolume clip mmplay [<> 0 audioerror Repeat oblique isometric perspective nopix buttonclick buttonclick false false buttonclick buttonclick False inconclusive L&inconclusive buttonclick buttonclick inconclusive Inconclusive quiz1 Quiz 5.1 The relative scales in the x, y, and z directions of an isometric pictorial are the same. any that owns the drawing). answer True. reference isometric misc.tbk correct misc.tbk incorrect false misc.tbk incorrect inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone nopix misc.tbk correct misc.tbk incorrect false misc.tbk incorrect inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone Quiz 5.2 Isometric and oblique pictorials do not have vanishing points. c pictorial are the same. any that owns the drawing). answer True. Lines parallel to the axis continue to appear parallel in these pictorials.metime wish the drawing to be freely distributed.. reference oblique misc.tbk incorrect misc.tbk correct false misc.tbk incorrect inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone Quiz 5.3 In a perspective pictorial, moving a vanishing point farther away from the origin makes that end of the object appear farther away. answer False. Moving the vanishing point farther away decreases the amount of perspective, and makes that end of the object appear closer. reference perspective misc.tbk incorrect misc.tbk correct false misc.tbk incorrect inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone Quiz 5.4 In a 3-point perspective pictorial, the vanishing points must be equidistant from the origin. d of the object appear farther away. answer False. The amount of perspective along each axis may be different.t of perspective, and makes that end of the object appear closer. reference perspective Quiz 5.5 An oblique view cannot exist in reality. nishing points must be equidistant from the origin. d of the object appear farther away. answer True. reference oblique misc.tbk correct misc.tbk incorrect false misc.tbk incorrect inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone misc.tbk incorrect misc.tbk incorrect false misc.tbk correct inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone Quiz 5.6 An isometric view cannot exist in reality. shing points must be equidistant from the origin. d of the object appear farther away. answer Inconclusive. When the object is close to the observer, the object will appear with a certain amount of perspective. However, when the object is further away, this effect is diminished. An isometric view can be created by turning an object into the correct orientation. reference isometric misc.tbk incorrect misc.tbk incorrect false misc.tbk correct inconclusive thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterpage animdone audiodone -- These scripts are where you the answer 's quiz question ? buttons (on /) will always Dsame message. It's -- just a matter creating u"correct" "incorrect" -- setting inconclusive display F one, since that be chosen. 8"misc.tbk" %modal 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav animdone audiodone Quiz 5.7 In a perspective pictorial, circles will appear as ellipses. e equidistant from the origin. d of the object appear farther away. answer Indeterminate. If the circle appears in a plane defined by axes with no vanishing points on the axes, then it will appear as an ellipse. Otherwise, circles appear as distorted ellipses........... reference perspective quiz1 Choose one of the buttons to change the view to a different degree of perspective.ctive.ctive. animationStage lastname currbox buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, lastname, x, y, currbox # = "iso" -- means we have pthe picture " something fa "0" v = "1" = "1to0" x = 90 y = 119 = "2" = "2 x = 180 y = 209 = "3" = "3 x = 270 y = 299 x = y = 299 buttonclick Isometric lastname currbox buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, lastname, x, y, currbox # = "1pt" -- means we have pthe picture " something fa "0" v = "0" = "0to1" x = 0 y = 29 = "2" = "2 x = 210 y = 239 = "3" = "3 x = 300 y = 329 x = y = 329 = "1pt" buttonclick 1 Point lastname currbox buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, lastname, x, y, currbox # = "2pt" -- means we have pthe picture " something fa "0" u = "0" = "0to2" x = 30 y = 59 = "1" = "1 x = 120 y = 149 = "3" = "3 x = 330 y = 359 x = y = 359 = "2pt" buttonclick 2 Point lastname currbox buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, x, y, lastname, currbox # = "3pt" -- means we have pthe picture " something fa "0" o = "0" { = "0to3" x = 60 y = 89 = "1" = "1 x = 150 y = 179 = "2" = "2 x = 240 y = 269 x = y = 269 = "3pt" buttonclick 3 Point buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, audioon, vol D <> 0 ("txt" & l + 1 -- Remove hidden lines; clean up drawing "step1" -- "step2" -- "step3" syserrornumber = 0 <> 1 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-1-" & mmvolume mmplay audioerror reset update normalGraphic = icon "repeat" forwardsml" buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, vol, audioon D <> 0 ("txt" & l + 1 -- Remove hidden lines; clean up drawing "step1" "step2" -- "step3" syserrornumber = 0 <> 1 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-2-" & mmvolume mmplay audioerror reset update normalGraphic = icon "repeat" forwardsml" buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, audioon, vol D <> 0 ("txt" & l + 1 -- Remove hidden lines; clean up drawing "step1" "step2" "step3" syserrornumber = 0 <> 1 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-3-" & mmvolume mmplay audioerror reset update normalGraphic = icon "repeat" forwardsml" buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, audioon, vol D <> 0 ("txt" & l + 1 -- Remove hidden lines; clean up drawing "step1" "step2" "step3" syserrornumber = 0 <> 1 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-4-" & mmvolume mmplay audioerror reset update normalGraphic = icon "repeat" forwardsml" 4numframes, thisanim, lastanim, thiswav, lastwav thisAnim = \ = 5 reset 4currframe, syserrornumber = 0 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait r<> 0 audioerror -- For minus one) - 1) ("txt" & i) " & i) update audiodone animdone 4numframes, thisAnim, thisWav, lastAnim, lastWav V = 6 reset 4currframe, syserrornumber = 0 thiswav (mmstatus clip = "playing" 1= "paused") mmstop Jwait t<> 0 audioerror -- For minus one) - 1) ("txt" & i) " & i) update audiodone animdone 4numframes, thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim W = 6 reset 4currframe, syserrornumber = 0 thiswav (mmstatus clip = "playing" 1= "paused") mmstop Jwait t<> 0 audioerror -- For minus one) - 1) ("txt" & i) " & i) update audiodone animdone buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, vol, audioon -- Restore the hidden lines "step1" "step2" "step3" -- Now Pcommands steps ("txt" & <> 0 syserrornumber = 0 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-1-" & <> 0 mmvolume mmplay audioerror update B"Forward" buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, vol , audioon -- Restore the hidden lines "step1" "step2" "step3" -- Now Pcommands steps ("txt" & <> 0 syserrornumber = 0 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-2-" & <> 0 mmvolume mmplay audioerror update buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, vol, audioon -- Restore the hidden lines "step1" "step2" "step3" -- Now Pcommands steps ("txt" & <> 0 syserrornumber = 0 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-3-" & <> 0 mmvolume mmplay audioerror update buttonclick 4currframe, numframes 4thiswav, audioon, vol -- Restore the hidden lines "step1" "step2" "step3" -- Now Pcommands steps ("txt" & <> 0 syserrornumber = 0 (mmstatus clip = "playing" = "paused") mmstop wait = "5-4-" & <> 0 mmvolume mmplay audioerror update 4numframes, thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav, currframe a = 6 8 = 0 reset syserrornumber = 0 thiswav (mmstatus clip = "playing" 1= "paused") mmstop Jwait t<> 0 audioerror -- For minus one) - 1) ("txt" & i) " & i) update audiodone animdone 4lastAnim, thisAnim, lastWav, thisWav, lastname, currbox 5 = " 7 = "iso" stage "animationstage" syserrornumber = 0 -- mmClose clip "perintro" wait mmStatus = "playing" mmStop animerror AnimDone = "perspective" mmOpen mmseek thisanim mmshow Animationstage" AudioDone buttonclick , x, y mmPlay ge" hold = default x = audioon forward reset paused step1 currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing update buttonclick repeat forwardsml currframe numframes update audioon forward step2 reset paused step1 currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing update buttonclick repeat forwardsml currframe numframes update audioon step2 reset paused step1 update currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing step3 buttonclick repeat forwardsml currframe numframes update audioon forward step2 reset paused step1 currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing step3 update buttonclick repeat forwardsml currframe numframes update thisanim lastanim thiswav numframes lastwav enterpage reset leavepage forward paused currframe thiswav audioerror playing numframes update reset audiodone animdone reset thisAnim lastAnim thisWav numframes lastWav enterpage reset leavepage forward paused currframe thiswav audioerror playing numframes update reset audiodone animdone thisAnim lastAnim thisWav numframes lastWav enterpage reset leavepage forward paused currframe thiswav audioerror playing numframes update reset audiodone animdone audioon Forward step2 paused step1 currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing step3 update buttonclick audioon forward step2 paused step1 currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing step3 update buttonclick audioon forward step2 paused step1 update currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing step3 buttonclick audioon forward step2 paused step1 currframe thiswav audioerror numframes playing step3 update buttonclick thisAnim lastAnim currframe thisWav numframes lastWav enterpage reset leavepage forward paused currframe thiswav audioerror playing numframes update reset audiodone animdone lastname currbox thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterPage animationstage currbox lastAnim playing lastWav animerror leavePage animationstage thisAnim lastAnim Animationstage animerror perspective AnimDone AudioDone .&+ +E animationstage thisAnim animerror default buttonclick rtooblique pictb perspective perintro 5-3-4 5-2-5 5-3-6 5-4-1 5-4-2 5-4-3 picta rtoiso pictc pictd 5-1-1 5-1-2 5-1-3 5-1-4 5-1-5 5-1-6 5-2-1 5-3-3 5-3-5 5-3-1 5-4-4 5-4-5 5-4-6 5-2-1 5-2-2 5-2-3 5-2-4 5-3-2 objectives anim\picto.flc anim\picto.flc anim\oblique.flc anim\iso.flc audio\pict_a1.wav audio\pict_b1a.wav audio\pict_c1a.wav audio\pict_d1.wav audio\5-1-1.wav -1-1. audio\5-1-2.wav audio\5-1-3.wav audio\5-1-4.wav audio\5-1-5.wav audio\5-1-6.wav audio\5-2-1.wav audio\5-2-2.wav audio\5-2-3.wav audio\5-2-4.wav audio\5-2-5.wav audio\5-2-6.wav audio\5-3-1.wav audio\5-3-2.wav audio\5-3-3.wav audio\5-3-4.wav audio\5-3-5.wav audio\5-3-6.wav audio\5-4-1.wav audio\5-4-2.wav audio\5-4-3.wav audio\5-3-4.wav audio\5-4-5.wav audio\chapter5.wav thisAnim lastAnim objectives thisWav lastWav enterpage leavepage audiodone animdone 4thisAnim, lastAnim, thisWav, lastWav , = "objectives" audiodone animdone Chapter 5: Pictorialse Geometryng The objectives of this chapter are to: Show the most common pictorials used to present a 3-dimensional object... Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using various pictorials. Demonstrate the creation of pictorials. buttonclick buttonclick Begin Lesson Example 5.1 For the part shown, sketch an oblique pictorial. multiview drawing which shows the front, top, and profile views. 1. Imagine the object in its desired orientation, and draw a set of 3 dimensional axes and the foundation of the pictorial. This is the volume that the part occupies. The object depth represented by an axis that extends at a 30 or 45 angle from the origin. 2. The front view is shown in its true shape, and features may often be copied directly from the engineering drawing. 3. Lines that are parallel to the depth axis are drawn, scaled to approximately one half of the scale used in the frontal plane, or some other predetermined scale. 4. Parallel lines always remain parallel. The exterior frame of the object is drawn. 5. Interior details are added. Note that circles remain circular in planes that are parallel to the frontal plane, but are ellipses elsewhere. 6. Remove any unnecessary construction lines. step0 step1 step2 step3 step4 step5 backward forward pause audioOn paused thisWav playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn mmstatus clip ; = "playing" mmPause c = "paused" mmPlay } notify repeat audioon thiswav audioerror buttonclick buttonclick 4thiswav, audioon, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmvolume clip mmplay [<> 0 audioerror Repeat Example 5.2 For the part shown, sketch an isometric pictorial. 1. Imagine the object in its desired orientation, and draw a set of 3 dimensional axes. Note that for an isometric pictorial, the axes appear at 60 degrees from each other. 2. Draw the foundation of the pictorial. This is the volume that the part occupies. The distance scale along each axis is the same, thus distances can be scaled directly from the engineering drawing. A proportional scale can also be used, but the scale for all three axes must be the same. 3. The exterior frame of the object is drawn. The multiview drawing is used for scaling along the appropriate axes. Parallel lines always remain parallel.. 4. The part is framed, using the foundation lines as guides. Remember the all lines that are parallel to an axis will converge at its vanishing point. 5. Remove any unnecessary construction lines. step0 step1 step2 step3 step4 backward forward pause audioOn paused thisWav playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn mmstatus clip ; = "playing" mmPause c = "paused" mmPlay } notify repeat audioon thiswav audioerror buttonclick buttonclick 4thiswav, audioon, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmvolume clip mmplay [<> 0 audioerror Repeat Example 5.4 For the part shown, sketch a three point perspective pictorial. 1. Imagine the object in its desired orientation, and draw a set of 3-dimensional axes. 2. Determine the location of the vanishing points. This will be necessary on all three axes. The closer the vanishing points are to the origin, the more distortion, or perspective, will result. A large amount of perspective creates the illusion that a feature is far away from the viewer. 3. Draw the foundation, which will outline the space which the object occupies. Keep in mind that lines which are parallel to the axes will no longer be parallel. These lines will instead converge to the vanishing point. Note that since the third vanishing point is placed below the part, the object will appear to be viewed from above. 4. The part is framed, using the foundation lines as guides. Remember the all lines that are parallel to an axis will converge at its vanishing point. 5. Interior details are added. Note that circles become distorted ellipses in all planes. 6. Remove any unnecessary construction lines. step0 step1 step2 step3 step4 step5 backward forward pause audioOn paused thisWav playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn mmstatus clip ; = "playing" mmPause c = "paused" mmPlay } notify repeat audioon thiswav audioerror buttonclick buttonclick 4thiswav, audioon, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmvolume clip mmplay [<> 0 audioerror Repeat :HDMEDIAPATH pagesys.sbk =^addToSysBooks thisAnim Pictorials thisWav statusBar menusys.sbk enterBook addToSysBooks 4thisWav, thisAnim addToSysBooks "pagesys.sbk" menusys. statusBar = "Pictorials" mnewBook :CDMEDIAPATH Arial System Arial Arial E:\,E:\ Arial Arial Arial Boldface PS Boldface PS TBKWidgets \,E:\,E:\ Arial New Roman \,E:\,E:\ Arial New Roman Arial New Roman t y Graphics Interactive pause audioOn paused thisWav audioerror playing buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmStatus clip U = "playing" mmPause = "paused" mmvolume Pthiswav = mmPlay notify audioerror repeat audioOn thisWav audioerror buttonClick buttonClick 4thisWav, audioOn, vol syserrornumber = 0 mmvolume clip thiswav = mmPlay notify v<> 0 audioerror Repeat picta thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterPage leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4lastAnim, thisAnim, lastWav, thisWav --switch the , = "picta" AnimDone AudioDone Pictorials Occasionally, a three dimensional object is difficult to envision from a multiview drawing. Pictorials are used to aid in visualizing the object. Most pictorials are not true images of the actual object, but rather a simply constructed representation. The three types of pictorials are oblique, isometric, and perspective views. &File E&xit Alt+F4 Exit the program &Navigate navigate &First Page Ctrl+Home first &Next Page Page Down &Previous Page Page Up previous &Go to Page... Ctrl+G Introduction intro Go to Introduction chapter Objectives intro1 History intro2 Usefulness intro3 Sketching sketch Go to Sketching chapter Objectives Techniques Objects Cartooning Engineering Drawings formDraw Go to Formal Drawings chapter Objectives Format Working Drawings Othogonal Projection ortho Go to Orthogonal Projection chapter Objectives orth1 Theory orth2 Standard Views orth3 Auxiliary Views orth4 Common Practices orth5 orth6 Pictorials pictorials Go to Pictorials chapter Objectives pict1 Oblique View pict2 Isometric View pict3 Perspective View pict4 pict5 Sections sections Go to Sections chpater Objectives Full Section Half Section Offset Section Broken-Out Section Revolved Section Removed Section Common Practices Dimensioning dimension Go to Dimensioning chapter Objectives Definitions Guidelines Common Shorthand Tolerancing tolerance Go to Tolerancing chapter Objectives Definitions Practical Fabrication Tolerances True Position Datums Surface Features Descriptive Geometry descGeom Go to Descriptive Geometry chapter Objectives Basic Principles and Relationships Line Visibility Distance Between Lines Edge Views and True Shapes Dihedral Angles Intersection of a Line and a Plane Intersection of Two Planes Intersection of a Plane and a Solid Intersection of Solids Surface Developments Contours and Cut-and-Fill Shadows &Main Menu Ctrl+Alt+Home Go to the main menu &Options options &Audio Mute Ctrl+M OnOff Turns audio on or off Volume... setVolume Set the volume of audio &Page Controls controls Displays/Hides the Navigation Control Bar &Help Instructions F1 tutor How to use the program About the Authors authors Information about the authors Prof. Dennis K. Lieu Chris Casey Su Shien Pang Paul Krueger Allison Okamura Acknowledgments others Copyright Info copyright solids thisAnim lastAnim thisWav lastWav enterPage leavePAge AnimDone AudioDone 4thisWav, thisAnim, lastWav, lastAnim --switch the leavePAge AnimDone AudioDone You have reached the end of Pictorials. To review the material, go to the next page. To continue to Sections, click the button below.n below.w. nextLesson ztsections buttonClick buttonClick sections &Go to next lesson! solids smpause smpausedis backwardsml backwardDis forwardsml forwardDis pauseup pauseDis repeat **""""""**" ********** ********* ******** "" oblique thisAnim pictb lastAnim rtooblique thisWav lastWav enterPage leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4lastAnim, thisAnim, lastWav, thisWav --switch the , = "pictb" N = "rtooblique" AnimDone AudioDone Oblique views are the simplest type of pictorial to construct, but do not exist in reality. The frontal view is in true shape, while the other planes are distorted. The spatial axis is represented at thirty or forty-five degrees. Notice that parallel lines always remain parallel. The scale along the depth axis is usually one-half scale or full scale. At one-half scale, the pictorial is called a cabinet drawing. At full scale, the pictorial is called a cavalier drawing. Oblique animationStage repeat Animationstage thisAnim animerror buttonclick buttonclick 4thisAnim, ref syserrornumber = 0 mmPlay clip stage "Animationstage" F<> 0 animerror Repeat Animation X (depth axis) isometric rtoiso thisAnim lastAnim pictc thisWav lastWav enterPage leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4lastAnim, thisAnim, lastWav, thisWav --switch the , = "pictc" M = "rtoiso" AnimDone AudioDone Isometric pictorials are probably the most popular 3-D pictorials in engineering drawing. In an isometric pictorial, the axes appear with a separation of 60 degrees. The scale along all of the axes is the same. Distances along each axis can be scaled directly from the multiview drawing. All planes not parallel to the viewing plane are distorted. Lines that are parallel to an axis continue to appear parallel. An isometric pictorial may or may not exist in reality. The longer the distance from which the object is viewed, the closer the image is to isometric. Isometric animationStage repeat Animationstage thisAnim animerror buttonclick buttonclick 4thisAnim, ref syserrornumber = 0 mmPlay clip stage "Animationstage" F<> 0 animerror Repeat Animation Xxtta perspective thisAnim lastAnim pictd thisWav lastWav enterPage leavePage AnimDone AudioDone 4lastAnim, thisAnim, lastWav, thisWav . = thisanim = "pictd" AnimDone AudioDone Perspective Perspective views are the most realistic pictorials. Objects which are further away look smaller. Parallel lines are not parallel, but converge to one, two, or three vanishing points. These views are easily constructed with CAD. nM@P` @=7b:a >wNTT zsh/. 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